
How is TMJ dysfunction diagnosed?

TMJ dysfunction can be diagnosed by a TMJ physiotherapist with advanced training in jaw dysfunction, a dental practitioner, orthodontist or an oral maxillofacial surgeon. They may recommend dental X-rays, CT scan or MRI to further investigate the condition.

TMJ assessment by your physiotherapist

During your TMJ examination, your physiotherapist will go through a detailed questionnaire and perform a series of tests to assess your jaw range of motion, muscle tension and length, MJ co-ordination and movement pattern.


TMJ treatment options

Physiotherapy performed by a professional having an in-depth understanding of the TMJ function is recommended and could, depending on the prognosis, be combined with a treatment delivered by a dental specialist such as a dentist or orthodontist.

I suffer from TMJ pain, what shall I do?

Make an appointment with a dental practitioner or a physiotherapist who will assess your condition. To attempt reducing the pain, you may also consider to avoid or to reduce:

  • uncontrolled, wide-opening of the mouth (yawning)
  • biting hard food such as raw vegetables
  • eating requiring either a wide opening of the mouth (burgers) or strong biting (hard rolls)
  • chewing gum mastication
  • nail biting
  • jaw leaning
  • clenching pens, pencils, pipes or cigars
  • stressful situations

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